Make fast purchases - and monitor your spending.
Debit cards can be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes. Each transaction also generates an easily accessible detailed record, allowing you to easily track spending business-wide or for individual departments.
- Debit cards available to customers with PNB Business Relationship Accounts
- Maximum daily limits of $250 cash at ATMs and $5,000 in purchases
- Up to 20 transactions permitted in 24-hour period
- Request separate cards for individual employees and departments to facilitate purchases and record-keeping
- Contact us for information about getting a debit card.
Lost/Stolen Debit Card
Contact us immediately if your card is lost or stolen so we can attempt to prevent unauthorized expenditures.
- During banking hours: 601-684-7575, option 1
- After banking hours: 601-684-8585 or 1-800-816-2720, option 8
- Anytime through our mobile app: Select "Manage Card." This allows you to select a card and either suspend the card or report it as lost or stolen. If you select "Lost" or "Stolen," your card will be permanently cancelled. If you select "Suspend," your card will be temporarily inactive.
Travel Information
Our Account Services Department or Fraud Center may contact you regarding suspicious or unusual activity on your card. Please be sure your contact phone numbers and email address are updated so we can assist in preventing fraud as quickly as possible.
All foreign debit card activity is restricted unless you notify us you will be traveling outside the United States. Please contact us at 601-684-7575, option 1, and we will open your card for the time period and location of your travel.
Pike National Bank is a full-service financial institution serving Lincoln, Pike and Walthall counties in Southwest Mississippi.