Message from the Board

Standing: John Burch, John Ellis Solomon, Robert Belote, Keith White, and James Wicker
Seated: Jennifer Wallace, Jim Alford, and Diane Cothern

Pike National Bank was founded with the mission to always be a bank of integrity providing the best banking services and expertise at competitive pricing in order to improve the quality of life in the communities we serve. Since opening our doors in 1985, we have taken great pride in being a true “Community Bank”!

Our motto is “It’s not the bank, it’s the banker”. We believe that it is our people who make the difference. Regardless of your location or your need, our staff is able, willing, and eager to serve your banking needs in a friendly atmosphere. We have professional bankers to help with depository as well as loan needs. They know the area, the people, and have the resources to help make your dreams become a reality.

Our directors, management, and staff are committed to providing the leadership to bring the best in banking services and facilities to our customers, and are dedicated to improving the standard of living for the citizens we serve throughout Southwest Mississippi.

Our vision is to continue to remain independent and grow in strength in order that we can continue the traditions set by our founder, Joe Sones, through his many years of dedicated service to this area.
We hope you find this site helpful and that banking with us will be enjoyable and beneficial. We welcome your suggestions and comments on how we can better serve you now and in the future.