Rate Information
There is a $100.00 refundable deposit required for any group. While most people respect the Community Room, the deposit offsets possible costs for cleaning, and/or damages. The deposit will be refunded upon conclusion of the event after a Pike National Bank employee can confirm that the condition of the room and all amenities were left clean and in working order.
Note: The deposit and related fees are required to reserve the date of the event.
Non-Profit Organizations
The fee for nonprofit groups such as churches, clubs, or civic meetings is $50.00 per day ($75.00 after hours). The bank is not able to accommodate groups that meet on a regular basis (for example, groups that meet monthly or weekly).
Business Groups
A fee of $100.00 per day ($150.00 after hours) is charged to business groups using the Community Room for meetings, seminars, conferences, etc.
A flat fee of $200.00 per day is charged for wedding receptions, anniversary receptions, class reunions, employee parties, birthday parties, or large gatherings.
The Community Room is available Mondays-Sundays. The room is closed for holidays. Morning events can start as early as 8 a.m., although prior arrangements may allow for earlier opening. All evening events must end by midnight. Because of the room’s popularity with the public, the date should be reserved as far in advance as possible. The fee and deposit are required to reserve the date of the event.
Pike National Bank reserves the right to reschedule an event if the facility is needed for bank use.
Kitchen Facilities
Groups using the Community Room are welcome to use the kitchen facilities. Groups should plan to bring their own dishes, cookware, towels, table cloths, etc. In addition, please be sure to bring your own paper cups, napkins and other paper products. We are not able to supply refreshments (including coffee).
For your safety, the maximum number of occupants in the Community Room is 50 people.
- All groups are required to clean the room and arrange the tables to their original positions.
- Deposits are refundable if property is cleaned upon departure and without damage per the bank’s checklist.
- Cancellations are required a week in advance to ensure a refund. If a group fails to show for an event, the deposit and fee are forfeited to the bank.
- Decorations, signs, banners or posters may not be attached to walls, ceilings, furniture or fixtures.
- Smoking is absolutely prohibited within the building and on bank premises.
- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
- No dances.
- Please be mindful of sound level if amplifier systems are used.

Any exceptions to these guidelines must be approved by the Chief Operating Officers Committee of Pike National Bank. This committee reserves the right to approve or disapprove use of the room to any group, organization, function or event as it deems necessary and appropriate.
For more information or questions, please contact Angie Davis at 601-823-2607.