Convenient banking is just a quick phone call away.
No logging on. No standing in line. Sometimes the easiest way to manage your finances is to simply pick up the phone and press a few buttons. With our free Voice Response Banking service, you can check account balances, deposit and withdraw funds, make loan payments from your PNB checking account, and more.
- Our numbers are 601-684-8585 or 1-800-816-2720
- Telephone Banking services available 24/7
- Easy-to-navigate menu
- Security safeguards keep you financial information confidential
Menu Options
Main Menu:
1- Account Balance
2- Account History
3- Transfer Funds or Make a Payment
Funds Transfer and Payments Menu:
1. Transfer Funds immediately
2. Schedule a Funds Transfer
3. Make an Immediate cross Account Transfer
1. Payments Immediate
2. Payments Scheduled
4. Scheduled cross Account Transfers
5. Payments
6. Hear existing scheduled transfer
7. Delete an existing Transfer
4- Merchant Check Verification
5- Pike National Bank Information (Message Transfer)
6- Future Dated Transactions
Future Dated Transactions Menu:
1. Hear ACH Transactions
2. List Scheduled Funds Transfers
7- Get Account Information by Email.
8- Card Services Menu
Card Maintenance Menu
1. Activate a Card
2. Deactivate a Card/ Report Card Lost or Stolen
3. Fraud Department
9- PIN Maintenance (Change your Telephone Banking PIN)
Global Commands
- Speech (8*)
- Skip (5*)
- Help Menu (1*)
- Repeat (#)
- Main Menu (3*)
- Hang up (7*)
- Go Back (*)
- Operator (0)
Pike National Bank is a full-service financial institution serving Lincoln, Pike and Walthall counties in Southwest Mississippi.